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Unit 1

Olly's Day's




 Once upon a time in the world that we are all so familiar with, there was one middle-aged man. But he got a big problem... He, personally, lost his craving and meaning for existence, for any actions or deeds.

  Until one day, when Maels Curie decides to go to an old-classmate meeting. He gets to a bus station, but something about this bus was not the same as usual.
However, Maels was decided to get on this bus. Nevertheless, while he was inside, a man almost instantly falls asleep.

  And because Maels, as soon as he woke up, found himself in a completely unfamiliar place.
Coming out of the transport Maels began to inspect the area and realized that he was standing in front of the gates of pioneer (Russian Boy Scout naming) camp. And he finds out that he looked at the age of 14-15. Maels decided to head in.
Alas, the Males had no choice but to begin to obey the rules of this place, after all, and he needed shelter and food, but he was going to find out how he got here and what kind of place it was.
Gradually, he began to merge into this life to explore this world and its laws. And at the same time, he starts figuring out whom he is, involuntarily finding in this world long-lost parts of himself.

  Until finally, by the end of his stay in the camp, he is no longer sure... did he wants to return home now.
He gets on the bus with the same number 75, where again, he falls asleep.

  Maels wakes up in his house as if he never went out to a bus station, there was no pioneer camp, and he did not suddenly become a child.
Looking at the date, Maels realized that he woke up on the same day he was supposed to go to a meeting.
And getting up with renewed vigour and hopes, he goes to the bus station, and sees this ancient bus again... But will it retake him to this pioneer camp or will he still take him to the stop he needs?... It did not matter to him where the bus would take him. Maels decided to get inside.


olly's Day (Let's Play Character project)

October 22, 2020

My LP Character would be at start absolutely regular everyday person. Still, through the story, when he would become a child, he will be forced to complete the task and find the solutions to problems by using childish imagination and way of thinking. So at the end of the story, he would start to apply this unusual, playful way of solving problems in his regular life.

Moodboard for Uni.jpg

A character mood board is meant to help create a character by finding pictures of what you would like the main hero to look like and understand which type of background would be used, colour palettes and etc. 

Charecter Mood Board

Colours must be bright and clear because there is representing summer and the past which usually draws in people memories better than reality. 

In must gave the viewer a filing of something warm, comfortable, some sort of happy filing and colours could be sometimes in cold palet, but it still could give filling of nice and warm wether (Just like the picture on the Moodboard with a road)


Character design

Character archetype:  The Orphan/Everyman

Character name:  Maels Curie

Age:  43 years

Resource about archetypes: 

However, my character changed his age when he will get to the other world. So firstly I made his design in the world where he is actually gonna be for the most time of the story.

Charecter design (4 sides).png


"One day a one-man falls asleep on the bus and wakes up in the past. Before him is a pioneer camp, and behind him is his past life. And the main question is how to come back or ... not come back at all?"

There is not much what I could say about Shape language, because my character has a quite realistic proportion. But, his chest actually looks like a square.

"Squares represent stability and it is a dependable, familiar shape symbolizing honesty and solidity. They are not flashy or attention seekers as far as the shapes go. However, some would say they are dull, but creative designers would transform them to add depth to a character."


"The everyman character archetype is a representative of the audience. This archetype has to do with working hard and living a simple life. Their primary motivations are to have a sense of belonging and enjoyment."





Simple shapes

October 26, 2020

Usually, any figure or object could be broke down into simple shapes.
And in this lesson, I was using these shapes differently. I build from them characters, experement with there shapes and forms of bodies and heads.

fetch 3.png

Also, if you simplify the drawing it makes drawing character easier, especially when it comes to animating where you need to draw the same figure with the same proportions multiple times.

разукрашенный перс.png




Line of action

October 29, 2020

I am sternly going to use it in my future works, practice in this skill, just like I did in these drawing of my character with using a Line of Action.

тренировка простой фигуры.png
Charecter poses.png

On this section, we were looking at Line of Action theory. I was already using it in my drawings sometimes. But on this day I practice that more. And I find out that this is quite an important thing to use in action poses, especially in animation. 

Because our character always moves on the screen, the line of action is beneficial when you are drowning a key-frames.

Also, I think it would be a good practise to use it in Life Drawing sections, to understand better how the figure of human is positioned in real life, for future references.


Celebrates the victory in-game





Photo making & 
              drawing character in the                                       environment

November 2, 2020

On this section, we taught how to take some photos for making references to our arts.
For example, I did some photos of textures.

fetch (2).jpg

It's impossible to correctly draw anything without knowing how the object of drawing exactly look like in reality.
That's why we must use references.

fetch (7).jpg
fetch (1).jpg
fetch (5).jpg
fetch (3).jpg
fetch (9).jpg

"When remembering what we saw in the past, we are pulling from our imperfect, limited visual memory. And unless you have spent a focused time studying and analyzing your subject and were able to remember it, it is very likely that you don't know all the relevant details needed to recreate it. Inevitably, there will be many elements of the full picture that you won’t be able to recall." 


Then I complete the assignment in which we need to create art with our character in it environment

After that, I made some photos that will be referenced for my character environment. A walked through the town and find some good places which might help me create good looking art.

charecter in the background 1.png

I used 1 point perspective to draw it properly. Made a background more realistic, but use a cartoony style for character. So the viewer will concentrate on the main hero in this art.


This art is showing his arrival in this word. He doesn't know what to do and how to get back home. That's why he looks miserable and depresed. 

charecter in the background first line.p
charecter in the background add charecte
charecter in the background charecter li
charecter in the background charecter co
charecter in the background ebvironment
charecter in the background light and sh

This is my progress in work. I started at drawing background, then I drew my character and add colours. And at the end add shadows and light to Maels. Also finished it with some blurring at the back and colour corectin.





Day of 3D Printing, Photoshop
                                    & Indesign

November 16-17, 2020

In this section, I learn how to use InDesign for layout text and images to create a booklet. 

Then I insert all my artworks in InDesign. Add some annotations to works.


Also, I was working in Photoshop for correcting scan pages of my sketchbook, but because I knew how to use it this part wasn't new for me.

That was practice work in which we need to learn how to use Photoshop and InDesign, so my text in it was a little bit silly.

I do not have much ink arts, so I used a few of arts which Olly gave us.

брексит скетчик.png

Also, I experiment a little bit with colouring in Photoshop. By using layers I add colours to one of my scanned arts and used "Multiply" layout to fit it in and let lineart stay on top of all my colouring layers.


Booklet screenshots

I learn a little bit how to use InDesign for creating booklets. And that was quite helpful.


I do want to hope that we are going to use it more soon. I want to practice in InDesign more and see my arts printed and well presented.





Final Look Book of unit 1 and my                                               feedback

December 3, 2020

My final project was a much better welcomed than I expected. I still think that there are many things that I might add to it as perfect as it possibly could be. But still, I some sort of proud of it. It looks like I push myself too hard and trying to force my work to be batter to aggressively, and I am putting myself down by that. 

I start expecting less from me and fell quite a disappointment about any work that I've done, and that's not good at all. 

I'll try to work in my self to make me feel more confident about my art in future.


This is feedback of my Look Book from Julia Gibbs. 

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